Sea & Nature

The volcanic power and incessant motion of the sea are the primordial creators of a coastal profile full of surprises. Around the island of San Pietro, wild cliffs alternate with beaches of fine white sand, vertiginous cliffs give way to quiet hidden coves, and sudden natural pools open up among the red porphyry rocks.


The countryside is also wild and beautiful to explore on foot.

Especially towards the north-west, where the scrubland dominates and the air smells of salt and mastic. To the east, on the other hand, the landscape is softened by small vineyards and orchards that comb the hollows and slopes, watched over by the barracas – typical whitewashed country cottages – with their domestic vegetable gardens and lush fig trees.

Above everything, the openness of a clear sky is home for many species of birds.

From the rare Eleonora Falcon that watch over their broods on the rocky cliff-faces to the flamingos that fly through the air in their orderly squadrons; from the lazy flight of the seagulls along the coastline to the watchful eye of the cormorants scanning the surface of the water.

Perhaps the most surprising wonders of the island of San Pietro lie beneath the surface of the water: an extraordinary spectacle of blue, of light, and life.

The glittering shoals of saddled bream, the large solitary bream, the suspicious gilthead bream that splash away; on the shore, the small Sand Steenbras that graze confidently between the feet of the swimmers; further on the undulating posidonia meadows – dark spots on the emerald sandy bottom – where rock fish find safe shelter. Offshore, the silvery Barracuda formations flash by and the mighty “running tuna” cross their path when their season arrives. And down on the seabed, in the ups and downs of the shallows, it is not uncommon to come across large groupers or lobsters moving sideways, among the thousands of colours of sponges and the bright red gorgonians and corals clinging to the sides of the submerged rocks.